Obtaining Antigua and Barbuda second citizenship and passport

14, May, 2024

Obtaining Antigua and Barbuda second citizenship and passport

How to obtain Antigua and Barbuda citizenship and passport through investment

  • Contact the authorized and licensed agent (North Immigration) to apply for the citizenship and passport of Antigua and Barbuda and begin filling out the application.
  • After filling out the application, certifying the required documents, and translating them, we at North Immigration will send them to the Citizenship by Investment Unit in Antigua and Barbuda, to begin the security check stage.
  • The security check stage begins, which is the process of verifying the source of funds, your criminal record, and the individuals included in the application. This stage takes between 4-6 months or more.
  • The virtual interview is a mandatory requirement and is subject to all individuals included in the application who are over 16 years old.
  • The official approval is issued by the Citizenship by Investment Unit that the applicant obtains citizenship and a passport for Antigua and Barbuda, and the unit sends it to the authorized agent (North Immigration) so that we in turn send it to you.
  • Congratulations, you are now a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda!
  • You will receive the citizenship document and passport for you and your family.
  • You must travel and reside in Antigua and Barbuda for 5 days within the first 5 years. To take the oath, which is a mandatory requirement.

Antigua and Barbuda passport

If you would like to obtain the citizenship and passport of Antigua and Barbuda through investment, please fill out the following information or contact us directly, to communicate with the authorized government agent for Antigua and Barbuda North Immigration.


    Your name *
    Your email *
    Phone Number *
    Select Your Current Country *
    Select Your Program *
    Your Current Age *
    Your Current Job *
    Your Current Position *
    Your Income *
    Write Your Message here *